Saturday, January 20, 2007

An Introduction to Myself

My name, if you don't already know it, is Jacob Perrello. I am 20 years old and I am a sophomore communication major at the University at Buffalo. I am interested in getting an MBA once I complete my current degree so I can pursue a career in Marketing or Advertising.

I went to a small private school called Christian Central Academy from kindergarten to eleventh grade before moving to Hong Kong with my family. I played soccer since I was in third grade, but quit when I moved. Now I just play recreationally with a bunch of friends. My Dad was transferred to Hong Kong for his job so I finished my High-school education at Hong Kong International School. It was the best time of my life. It was a breath of fresh air to get out of Buffalo and America and see how the rest of the world lives and experience a different culture. However, it was also challenging to come from living in America, where I was part of the majority, to Hong Kong, where I was a guilo, or outsider.

While I was there I went on a trip to Australia where I and a group of classmates backpacked, hiked, rock climbed, abseiled, and went caving through Perth, Australia. It was a great experience being completely cut off from society and technology and being forced to "rough it."I learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of doing when I really put my mind to it.

I expect to learn some interesting theories such as; how the Internet serves to both facilitate and deter communication, how it effects society, and our every day lives. Las semester I wrote a paper for Com 450 that examined the Internet in regards to its effect on the public sphere and political mediation so it will be interesting to compare what I previously thought with what I will learn in this class.