Saturday, August 16, 2008

Reentering the atmosphere

Well, I set this blog up as a requirement for one of my classes while in college. Most of the previous posts are not worth reading only because they were assigned; however, you are welcome to read them if you feel so inclined.

It has been over a year since I last posted. I am getting sick of facebook messages and notes and I want to share my own opinions on morality and Christianity with all who may be interested, not just my friends. I want this blog to be a catalyst for change. I may be an optimist and idealist to many, however, I believe one act of faith can change the world. Just because we cannot see the results does not mean people, places, have not been effected. There is so much more to this world than meets our eyes.

I recently finished a book titled "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. As a Christian, I relate a lot to what Francis writes about. My unique perception of the world has been rocked by this book. I say unique, because I believe that all people, while having the same instruments of perception, (ears, eyes, nose, fingers, toes, brain etc.), perceive differently based on conditioned expectations resulting from huge life experiences. However, I also believe in Christ's power to change people. That while Psychology may diagnose someone as overly neurotic and introverted, the power of the living God, when invited into that person's heart will change that person forever.

Heck. Look at me. If you don't know me, I was overly neurotic and introverted before I found Jesus Christ. In fact, I rejected Christ until I was 20 years old. I am not that person anymore. Christ has changed me and he want to change you to. He loves me, and He wants to love you too.

I do not want this blog to be a place of argument of hotly contested issues. If you don't like what I say, I won't take it personally, because nothing good comes from me. Everything good in me comes from the Holy Spirit living in me. Instead of getting mad at me, examine your own heart. Be mad at God, for everything I say comes from Him. If you don't like my viewpoints, don't try and argue with me. I will stand up for what I believe in, but I won't bicker or try and prove you wrong. We are all entitled to our beliefs. However, one day, it will be evident which beliefs are actually worth we stand before God. "For we will all stand before God; for it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then each of us will give an account of Himself to God." Romans 14:10-12

I know there is a horrible stereotype for Christians in America today. On behalf of all Christians, I would like to apologize. I believe the state of Christianity in America to be lukewarm at best and not what God intends for us. There is so much more than we can even think to comprehend. I want revival where I live and for all of America.

I have been completely overwhelmed by the relentless love of God. I am not perfect, I am a sinner. I sin every day. But, I believe in grace. Grace that takes its shape in the cross, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Do you want a piece of the pie? It's free. Ask Christ to dwell in your heart and He will rock your world. You won't be disappointed.

I believe God is viral. The Holy Spirit spreads like wildfire and I am praying He will use this blog in some way, shape or form.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to this!